The Maroon Mitten Mystery

Date:  Thursday, April 3, 2025
Time:  8:00 pm ET

Presented by:
Dr. Dorothy King

You are never too old for a bedtime story! So make a cup of hot chocolate or fire up the tea kettle. Put on your Pjs and prepare to enjoy a charming tale. is late afternoon at the Madame Alexander Doll Company in Harlem, New York. Dolls are being painted; sewing machines are humming; visitors are touring the factory. Then a dastardly thing happens! An important sketch disappears. Who took it? And why? Join Dr. Dorothy King (UFDC member since 2013) for the Maroon Mitten Mystery to find out and close the case.

National Doll Club invites the UFDC community to attend. Please email to request a link, no later than one day before the program (100 person limit).

United Federation of Doll Clubs

The United Federation of Doll Clubs (UFDC) is a non-profit organization with the goal of being the foremost in research, education, conservation, collecting, and appreciation of dolls.

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    M - F   9:00am - 5:00pm

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    10900 N Pomona Ave.
    Kansas City, MO 64153

Due to the spike in COVID, the UFDC Headquarters and Museum remain closed until further notice.
