Alice Leverett Workshop
1834 Evening Dress
April 4-7, 2024
UFDC Doll Museum, Kansas City, MO
The workshop project is an 1834 Evening Dress with short sleeves à ľantique composed of deep-lemon colored silk taffeta with trimmings and manchettes of fine cotton lace. The doll “Psyche,” newly created and inspired by beautiful 1834-1878 paper dolls of the same name, also wears a matching silk turban head-dress and holds her hand-painted silk scarf.
This costume is designed to fit a 10 ½” French Fashion style doll similar in proportion to The Petite Ultimate™, or Marie Terese doll, (note doll is not included). Alice will give hands-on guidance throughout the four days at the UFDC Doll Museum, where attendees may also enjoy the fabulous Museum displays.
Registration: $475
This workshop is now fully booked. However, we are taking names on a waitlist in case space opens up. If you are still interested, please contact us and we will let you know if an opening becomes available.
Contact: Sheryl Sunderman at ufdcsherry@ufdc.org